“I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” (Phil. 4:11)

Don’t confuse contentment with passive resignation.  God hasn’t invested His Son, His Spirit, His Word, His provision, His authority, His faith, His armor and the keys of His kingdom into you so that you could live a life of passive resignation. 

True contentment is peace in the midst of any situation, but it is not the passive acceptance of every situation.  Contentment is knowing the power of Christ is within you to overcome in every trial and fulfill God’s purpose for your life with joy. 

Some passively resigned Christians accept poverty as God’s will and tell themselves that their fatalism is a virtue.  Others learn to adjust to sickness, sadness and depression.  Those who live by faith understand that God desires to do exceedingly abundantly more than they could ask or think according to the power that works in them!  (Eph. 3:20)  By faith and patience we inherit God’s promises, not by fatalism and resignation.

According to your faith let it be to you. (Mt. 9:29)