Many would declare their desire to be led by God in all that they say and do.  How can we know if we are following God?

“Follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Tim. 2:22) 

When I saw this I realized how simple it is to know that you are walking with God! 

Follow righteousness.  Righteousness is your new identity in Christ.  Righteousness is living free from guilt and condemnation, and free from fear.  Anything that includes self condemnation, paralyzing guilt, fear and fatalism is not born of righteousness.  Until we have a revelation of righteousness, it will be hard to be led by God.

Follow your faith.  Faith comes by hearing God.  Whatever has given birth to faith in your heart is a result of God speaking, revealing, prompting you or giving you vision for the future.  When we follow our faith we are following God and walking in His provision for our lives.

Follow love.  I'm not talking about emotional, human love, but rather the love of God which transcends our emotions.  Love seeks to bless, serve and give to others.  God is love and His nature is to love others through you.  A heart that is growing cold toward others can’t be led by God.

Follow peace.  Protect yourself from that which would steal your peace, or try to sow fear into your life.  Expect God to keep you in perfect peace as your mind stays focused on Him.

These four simple truths can keep you continually in the will of God for your life.  Doors will open, favor will find you and blessings will overtake you.