We see many well-meaning Christians who seem to live in the midst of great lack in one or more areas of their life. The availability of all the resources of heaven is of little meaning if we don’t know how to make those blessings real in our lives. That is why Jesus gave us the keys of the kingdom.
When you can understand the three dimensions of grace, you can more fully comprehend the dimensions of righteousness, sanctification, forgiveness and even healing.
Patience is confident expectation in the goodness of God and the power of His Word, knowing that the power of the Spirit is at work on your behalf.
You really don’t need three dreams and a vision to know God’s will. If you will stay in harmony with righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness, you will be in the center of His will and you will be a blessing to many.
Until we can truly see ourselves as clean before God, faith will be a struggle.
While the work of Jesus is finished, the work of the church is far from over.
Make sure you are walking in complete harmony with God on every level; spirit, soul and body. That is the key to abundant life.
When we find His words, believe them and then speak them, we are activating the eternal power of those words. Until we speak His words, they remain alive but unassigned.
Rather than adjusting to a life of darkness, blindness and corruption, Jesus came that we might have true life. We can be born into a new reality with a new identity and a true purpose.
The Gospel has two dimensions. There is the vertical reality of all that Christ has done for us in redemption. His grace speaks of the finished work of the cross, reconciliation, forgiveness, acceptance and peace with God. The horizontal represents man’s response and responsibility in the world in which we live.
Only when you agree with God’s declarations about you will you be thinking correctly.
How would you live your life differently if you knew that you were the only object of God’s love and grace? How would it impact you if you knew that all of His power was at your disposal?
The word of truth, the gospel, brings forth fruit. The gospel sets people free to discover who they were created to be. The gospel releases us into the grace of God – His infinite provision for every need – and invites us to marvel at the overwhelming love of God. The gospel is about blessing, favor, health, growth and freedom.
So many precious believers continue to live lives of frustration, fear and worry. They have failed to renew their minds to the Word of God. They have allowed strongholds of unbelief, fear and inferiority to dominate them.
God has provided healing for every person on the earth, just as He has provided forgiveness of sins and redemption.
The answer for spirits of infirmity is to understand your spiritual authority in Christ. If there was a spider in your house you would kill it. You know you have authority and power over spiders. We will walk in the authority that we know we have, and in the areas in which we don't know our authority, we will learn to adjust to the circumstances.
The resurrection is more than an event that happened 2,000 years ago. It is happening daily around the world. Men and women are believing in the resurrection of Jesus and then experiencing their own resurrection. Life takes the place of death, light drives out darkness, faith replaces fear and joy replaces depression.
Healing is a part of our redemption in Christ. We know that Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy (1 Jn. 3:8), and that He went about doing good and healing ALL who were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38)
What did Jesus mean when He said ‘it is finished?’ There are a number of teachings floating around that twist this scripture to mean that all men are saved, all have a new creation nature, all wrath is finished, there is no hell, and on and on. And the blind follow the blind.
How much of our lives have been shaped by fear? The fears of death, disease, tragedy, rejection and failure are powerful forces that can dominate our thoughts and steal our dreams. Other fears such as public speaking, driving, high places, flying, sleeping in the dark or not having enough money can continually mold our lives.