I am convinced that being fully persuaded is a decision. It is a decision to believe God’s Word above all else.
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I am convinced that being fully persuaded is a decision. It is a decision to believe God’s Word above all else.
What is the foundation for God’s Law? Let’s relax for a moment and consider the following:
Your seed is a door to your destiny. Everything is seed.
Grace makes all of God’s blessings available, but faith receives them.
God is a God of much more! Let this truth find a place in your heart and see yourself living in the abundant provision of God!
When we realize the power of patience, then patience can go to work in our lives so that we can be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Jesus healed ALL who came to him. He never turned away a sick person, nor did He ever explain their sickness as a necessary part of their spiritual growth.
God has spoken about you, over you and for you. His words are eternal and alive. They are like soldiers or servants awaiting their orders.
The key to effective prayer is to believe without doubting that you already have the desired outcome.
We see many well-meaning Christians who seem to live in the midst of great lack in one or more areas of their life. The availability of all the resources of heaven is of little meaning if we don’t know how to make those blessings real in our lives. That is why Jesus gave us the keys of the kingdom.
Patience is confident expectation in the goodness of God and the power of His Word, knowing that the power of the Spirit is at work on your behalf.
Make sure you are walking in complete harmony with God on every level; spirit, soul and body. That is the key to abundant life.
When we find His words, believe them and then speak them, we are activating the eternal power of those words. Until we speak His words, they remain alive but unassigned.
So many precious believers continue to live lives of frustration, fear and worry. They have failed to renew their minds to the Word of God. They have allowed strongholds of unbelief, fear and inferiority to dominate them.
God has provided healing for every person on the earth, just as He has provided forgiveness of sins and redemption.