In today’s culture we are being shaped, molded, encouraged and even forced to accept “alternative lifestyles” as normal.
In today’s culture we are being shaped, molded, encouraged and even forced to accept “alternative lifestyles” as normal.
Physical sicknesses, birth defects and deformities are not the work of God, but rather the results of the power of sin in the human race.
Many believers are frustrated because they ‘know’ what the Word says but they don’t experience the results they think they should.
If Jesus has been raised, then we too have hope for a future resurrection. If Jesus has not been raised, then there is no hope.
The birth place of false teaching is the offended heart.
I am convinced that being fully persuaded is a decision. It is a decision to believe God’s Word above all else.
The keys to praying for others can be found in the words of Jesus and Paul.
I believe we too often grow passive and give up in our prayer life. We put down the hammer and relax. We don’t realize that it is up to us to enforce God’s will.
What if I told you that you could enter into an abundant, prosperous life even if you currently don’t have any money?
Be driven by your vision, not by your needs!
What is the foundation for God’s Law? Let’s relax for a moment and consider the following:
We cannot pick and choose which aspects of God’s nature we will accept. The Scriptures are His living Word.
The world has many voices. Take heed to what you hear.
Within the heart of every believer there exist the divine resources to change our destinies.
Your seed is a door to your destiny. Everything is seed.
Many believers agree with good doctrine but speak words of failure, sickness, lack and defeat.
While we spend so much time focusing on ‘legalism’ as our enemy, it is really only the symptom of the real problem.
How often have we been exhorted that if we only had a tiny bit of faith like a mustard seed, that is all we need?
Grace makes all of God’s blessings available, but faith receives them.
Let’s learn to speak from the Spirit and not from the flesh.