A threefold cord is not quickly broken.  (Ecc. 4:12)

When we approach life’s challenges we have resources available.  God’s grace has given to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.  Our victory often depends upon how we use our resources.  We are spiritual beings who have souls and bodies.  We are equipped to approach our challenges on all three levels of life.  When we attempt to get the victory by only using our own strength, or we rely solely upon our emotions and our finite knowledge, we are limiting our opportunity for success.

Many of life’s challenges have spiritual roots and spiritual solutions are needed.  Stress, depression, chronic grief, bitterness, strife and fear are all symptoms of spiritual lack.  When we attack the symptoms on a natural level with drugs, counseling and therapy we aren’t really dealing with the true need.  When we apply spiritual principles in conjunction with godly wisdom and the fruit of the spirit, we are assuring the victory.  When the spirit, soul and body work in harmony toward the same objective it is an unbeatable force! 

For example, healing often requires a three-fold approach.  There are natural changes in lifestyle and diet that may be necessary.  There are mental and emotional adjustments that can hasten our recovery.  But the spiritual realities of our lives are the true starting point for health and healing to begin.  God sent His Word to heal us (Ps. 107:20) and His words are Spirit and life (Jn. 6:63). 

Make sure you are walking in complete harmony with God on every level; spirit, soul and body.  That is the key to abundant life.  The mind must be renewed to God’s Word.  Our emotions must flow from our re-born spirits, not from our 5 senses.  True health and prosperity begin within.

I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess. 5:23)